My Services

My approach and what I can help you with 

The 12/24-Week Hormone Harmony Programme


Inflammation and bloating are massive problems for endometriosis sufferers so following an anti-inflammatory plan at specific times of the month can massively help.

With this programme each client is given a personalised plan worked around their own cycle, identifying and eliminating foods that are causing the stomach to bloat.  The plan also offers balance so that they don’t feel restricted, can enjoy some of those things they love and not feel like they’ve stopped living!


Women have different levels of energy at different times of the month so it’s important to look at intensity of exercise and match it to the correct time of month.

Women with endometriosis especially need to rest the body in preparation for their period, so cutting back on high intensity exercise and swapping for more gentle exercise is advisable.

With this programme a plan is devised which encourages different types of exercise and intensity which works around the individuals cycle. 

Stress Management

There are so many reasons why stress isn’t good for endometriosis sufferers. Rise in cortisol mimicking other hormones causing imbalances, disruption to the digestive system causing inflammation, sleepless nights reducing energy, just to name a few.

Throughout this programme a plan will be devised that helps the individual to find what helps them to de-stress, offering techniques, exercises and workbooks to support the plan.

What’s included?

  • Personalised nutrition plan that combats bloating and is worked around the cycle
  • Personalised Exercise Plan that is worked around the cycle
  • 1-hour ‘coaching call’ with me every 2 weeks via Zoom (self development work set in-between sessions).
  • Personalised stress management plan
  • Worksheets to track nutrition, exercise and stress management
  • Monthly assessments to monitor progress and make any necessary changes to the plan.

“Work around the female cycle, and take control of your energy!”

The Endo Three Tier Group

What’s it about?


If one to one coaching is out of your budget, then why not try the Endo Three Tier Group. Instead of a tailored plan you will follow a generic plan; but can still reap the benefits and reduce your symptoms. This option also allows you to interact with other members and receive support and guidance from other women, living with the same condition.

This group can also be an option after following he Hormone Harmony programme, to continue with accountability and support.

What’s included in the group?

  • A free copy of my E Book
  • A 1 ½ hour coaching call with me per month
  • A guest expert each month, delivering either a talk or a class on an endo related subject
  • A private, members only FB group led by me, with endo related content
  • Support from other members
  • A safe space to share experiences and lift each other up.
The Three Tier group

The Hormone Mastery Programme

What’s Involved?

This is a highly beneficial ‘follow on’ programme that can be utilised after the 12/24-week programme and is designed to give you ongoing support and accountability.

During the 12 weeks you will learn skills that you can use in every-day life for always, however, without accountability often clients can slip back into their ‘old’ ways and find symptoms returning.

With the Hormone Harmony programme, you will always have that support from both other clients and of course from me.


What’s included?

  • 1-hour ‘coaching call’ with me each month via Zoom
  • Monthly assessments to monitor progress and make any necessary changes to the plan
  • Access to members FB group
  • Continued support

*This programme operates on a monthly ongoing subscription basis that can be stopped at any time

The Benefits

More Energy

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Getting all elements of the 3-tier approach working in synergy effectively will certainly improve energy.

With an exercise plan designed to work around the cycle, taking enough rest, managing stress and having a balanced nutrition plan, it’s safe to say you will be a lot less tired.

Less Stress

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Stress affects most people; it’s how we manage and deal with it that makes the difference.

With a plan designed for your requirements, techniques that will help you relax and methods that will bring you more joy, stress will become a thing of the past.

Less Bloating

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The nutrition element of this programme is specifically designed to help reduce bloating and inflammation.

Finding out which foods are triggers, designing a plan that works around the cycle and managing stress all equate to a less bloated tummy and feeling much lighter.

Less Pain

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Any endometriosis suffer strives to have less pain.

With a combination of the 3-tier approach, finding the balance and getting everything working in synchronicity, the body will soon start to respond and what once was a life of unbearable pain will soon become more than manageable.

More Energy

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Getting all elements of the 3-tier approach working in synergy effectively will certainly improve energy.

With an exercise plan designed to work around the cycle, taking enough rest, managing stress and having a balanced nutrition plan, it’s safe to say you will be a lot less tired.

Less Stress

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Stress affects most people; it’s how we manage and deal with it that makes the difference.

With a plan designed for your requirements, techniques that will help you relax and methods that will bring you more joy, stress will become a thing of the past.

Less Bloating

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The nutrition element of this programme is specifically designed to help reduce bloating and inflammation.

Finding out which foods are triggers, designing a plan that works around the cycle and managing stress all equate to a less bloated tummy and feeling much lighter.

Less Pain

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Any endometriosis suffer strives to have less pain.

With a combination of the 3-tier approach, finding the balance and getting everything working in synchronicity, the body will soon start to respond and what once was a life of unbearable pain will soon become more than manageable.


eBook: A Three Step Guide to Improve Endometriosis Symptoms

If you have no idea where to start with helping yourself with this condition, look at this simple guide to improving your symptoms.

It covers nutrition, exercise and stress management. It also provides anti-inflammatory recipes and workout plans that can be tailored around the cycle.



Podcast: Endomatters

Endo Matters was launched for endometriosis awareness month in March 2021. It is a platform where I speak to my audience about all things ‘endo’ with a view to reaching as many women with the condition as possible.

I answer questions sent in by my audience and invite guest speakers to tackle varies topics surrounding endometriosis.

leopard dress

12-Week Mindset Coaching

What’s included?

  • 6 x 1 hour coaching calls via Zoom
  • Personal development work set in-between sessions
  • Worksheets to track development
  • Monthly assessments to track development
  • Continued support

How can it help?

Qualifying as a spiritual life coach in 2022, I began to realise, the key to all change with any health matters was shifting the mindset. Through coaching sessions, together we can discover how to make those all-important shifts, find those answers that were within you from the start, and move you towards those desired goals

leopard dress

Common Concerns

I’ve suffered with this so long and tried so many things, what makes your plan so different?

This plan does not come with any guarantees, nor does it mean that you are cured, even if it works. What it does promise however, is that you will see some changes in either pain reduction, stress reduction, energy increase, improved sleep and a less bloated tummy with visible differences to the body.

What I pride myself on is my passion for my work and how I endeavour to get each woman I work with, their desired results. I truly care about making a difference in their lives and helping them get in control of their endo not allowing it to control them. What makes this different is that it’s not a generic plan, it’s tailored to you and your specific requirements. 

Why is the Hormone Harmony Programme 12/24 weeks long, why is it necessary to commit to this length of time?

With any change in nutrition, exercise etc, the body needs time to adjust. As each plan is designed to work around the individual’s cycle, using holistic methods, which are often slow to respond. It would therefore require at least 3 cycles to feel and see any results and adjust to the changes.

Within 3 cycles however, there should be a difference in pain levels, reduction in bloating, increase in energy and as a by product a change in weight or how the body looks.

Read some of the testimonials to see what other ladies have experienced with the programme in just a short space of time.


The Hormone Harmony Programme:

– 12 weeks from £750

– 24 weeks from


Programme lasts 12/24 weeks (price subject to requirements).

The Endo Three Tier Group – £45 per month

The Hormone Mastery Programme – £80 per month


12-Week Mindset Coaching:


– 12-week programme (6 sessions over 12 weeks) – £600

– One off discovery session – £80

eBook – £9.99

Getting Started is Easy

Complete a Questionnaire

Fill out our onboarding questionnaire and tell us about yourself

Free Consultation

Book in for an initial 'complimentary' one-on-one personal consultation

1st Session!

Book your place on our 12/24-week 'Hormone Harmony' programme

“Take control of your pain, don’t let it control you!”

“Michelle has been available to talk or moan to whenever I have needed her and has been a massive support. Having followed her advice and plan, I feel so much more in control of things, my body feels better, which in turn has hugely helped my mental health and confidence. I would recommend Michelle again and again.”

Katie – Cheadle, UK

"Loved this week!!! Thank you so much to you all and Michelle for everything, I feel brilliant, it was difficult at first, especially the caffeine crash but it’s left me hesitant to get back into my old routine. My bloating has gone down, my energy levels feel more regulated, I've lost 4.25inches from my waist, bust and hips!!! I'm amazed at the difference from just 5 days."

Sonja – Liverpool, UK

"After every session with Michelle, I always felt better, re invigorated and refocused on my target of feeling better in myself. The fact that we always had a laugh and the session flew by is a testament to her fabulous, warm energy and passion for getting the best out of you. I cannot recommend her highly enough."

Stephanie Dean – Macclesfield, UK

“I now understand how my body works and know when I need to slow down and relax (something I wasn’t doing). I am really pleased with the results and love the fact that it has all been tailored around my cycle. I have seen a difference physically and most importantly; my pain levels have noticeably reduced.”

Katie – Cheadle, UK

Contact Me

Ask me a question or book an appointment below.

8 + 10 =

07791 520 395

Desired Physique Studio, Cheadle Hulme, UK

Signature 7 Creative
Alison Groves Photography
Individual Moments