About me

My personal journey and how I got here 

Hi, I’m Michelle, more commonly known as Shell (Michelle feels like I’m being told off by my mum!!)

I am wife to the amazing Stu, who loves nothing more than a good project. We live in an underground house that we built ourselves (another one of his projects!!) near Manchester, UK. Together we love to travel the world, make new friends and generally live life to the fullest possible.

I am also the proud business owner of Desired Physique, a company that helps women with endometriosis to live a happier, healthier life, enabling them to control it, not it control them.

A Bit of Background 

My passion for this area of work grew out of my own experience with the condition. Relentless years of excruciating pain, causing me sleepless nights, zero energy and bloating so horrific I would often get asked if I was pregnant. Fainting, vomiting and inability to walk due the intensity of pain and sheer exhaustion.

I saw many doctors and not one could really give me any answers, I was told I had a low pain thresh hold, it was all in my head and given various pain killers and advised to get a hot water bottle! I often felt I was going crazy and felt so frustrated and alone in my suffering.  


 My Education

  • Association of Coaching Accredited Diploma in Spiritual Life Coaching
  • Diploma in Counselling Concepts
  • Level 2 Gym Instructor
  • Level 2 Core Stability Instructor
  • Level 3 Personal Trainer
  • BTN Advanced Nutrition Coaching Qualification

The Diagnosis

Eventually after about 20 years I finally got a diagnosis of endometriosis, which was a relief but also another frustration. I had two operations to remove the endo but after a few months, each time it was back again, and my symptoms were back to their original state.

With no other options offered or any other solutions, I decided to take matters into my own hands and start to compile my own research and find ways to help myself.

As a Level 3 qualified PT and Nutrition coach I already had a broad knowledge of how to exercise and eat for optimal health, but I started to really delve deeper and decipher what it is ladies with endo need for optimal health.

The Result

The result came in the form of a 3-tier approach (explained in the services section) concentration on nutrition, exercise and stress management working in synergy with the cycle and placing the correct dietary amendments, intensity of exercise and self-care at valuable times in the month.

Personally, I have found a massive turn around in my condition, so long as I stick to the plan (I’m not a saint so I do falter occasionally!!) I rarely have intense pain, I’m no longer bloated, I’m never asked if I’m pregnant and my energy and mental clarity is off the scale. 


As you can see, I have been on quite a journey and it gives me great pleasure to now be able to share my methods with ladies who may be going through similar problems. I’m extremely passionate about passing on my knowledge and offering a supportive hand to ladies who may be where I once was and want to find that way out. I really care about every single woman I work with, once you are in my care, I make it my number one priority to get you your desired results in the shortest time possible. Check out the testimonials to see what some of the ladies I have worked with have said.

Thank- you for reading my story, if you or someone you know is suffering please reach out, it’s my mission to help as many women as possible with endometriosis to live their best, pain free life.

Yours in Lasting Health



Areas Where I Can Help


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Bloating is one of the biggest problems related to endometriosis. Women’s stomachs can often balloon up to twice the size and weigh up to 5lbs more on the scales, when they have a flare up.

Adapting an anti-inflammatory nutrition plan at vital times in the month can massively reduce flare ups and noticeably decrease stomach size.

Low Energy

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Endo sufferers are usually always tired; the pain makes you tired, the lack of sleep due to the pain makes you tired and everyday tasks seem like milestones.

By adapting an exercise at crucial times in the month, increasing and decreasing intensity accordingly and resting the body when needed, energy can become more balanced.

Painful Intercourse

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Certain positions can be excruciating for endo sufferers. Again, the balance of all 3 tiers can be beneficial and reduction of inflammation on internal organs can massively help.

Advice, where needed, can also be given as to how to position the body to reduce pain, whilst still enjoying a healthy sex life.

Chronic Pain

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This is the most difficult part to endure when living with the condition. By following all 3 tiers suggested in our programme (nutrition, exercise and stress management), pain can be massively reduced.

This synergy allows the stomach to be less inflamed, the mind to be less stressed and the body to be more rested, resulting in a great balanced harmony.

Poor Sleep

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It isn’t any surprise that endo suffers don’t have the best sleep patterns. Pain interrupts sleep, too much stress both mentally and physically doesn’t help and if digestion isn’t working properly this too adds to the problem.

The 3-tier approach worked together in balance can guarantee to help and aid a great night’s sleep.


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Understandably this is so mentally challenging for a woman as in some cases it can be hard to conceive. Whilst we do not guarantee that the programme will change this, often stress reduction, better nutrition and exercise can be the answer.

Where this is not enough, then referrals can be made to other holistic practitioners.

Low Mood

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It’s not surprising that living with chronic pain can have some bearing on your mood along with PMS caused by changes or imbalances in hormones.

By balancing the nutrition, exercise and learning techniques to deal with stress in the 3-tier approach, this symptom can be eliminated.

Dizziness and Fainting

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With heavy blood flow and high levels of pain, it’s no wonder that some women can feel faint or dizzy during their time of the month.

With a balanced nutrition plan and a good amount of rest and quality sleep, as well as other elements of the 3-tier plan, this can become no longer a problem.

Poor Digestion

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It’s very common for endo sufferers to have intolerances to certain foods and difficulties with constipation or diarrhoea.

Often it is diagnosed as IBS and the two do go hand in hand but with help from a food elimination process to help discover the main culprits and an anti- inflammatory nutrition plan, these symptoms can be a thing of the past.

Getting Started is Easy

Complete a Questionnaire

Fill out our onboarding questionnaire and tell us about yourself

Free Consultation

Book in for an initial 'complimentary' one-on-one personal consultation

1st Session!

Book your place on our 12/24-week 'Hormone Harmony' programme

“What have you got to lose by having a chat about your goals?”

"I feel so much better after the 5-day Challenge. I already eat clean, but this has made more of a difference to my tummy. The big reminder for me is I need to make time for yoga/meditation and to switch off as currently all I do is 100 miles an hour. Thank you for your time and tips, I have learnt some new things."

Maria – Toronto, Canada

"I now know how to lessen the impact bloating has on my life. I have much more self-confidence and I'm 100 times more comfortable in my own skin. I would recommend Michelle to anyone who is thinking about making a lifestyle change, you couldn't ask for a better person in your corner."

Helena Gatley – UK

"I’ve just taken my measurements after the 5-day challenge and I’ve lost 3 inches and 2lbs. Although at the beginning of the week I felt tired and a few headaches, I now have more energy. These 5 days have been an eye opener, mainly realising I need to drink more water and spend more time on myself! Thank-you Michelle for your guidance and support."

Kristen – Somerset, UK

"After the 5-day challenge I have lost 6 lbs, and 1/2 inch off my waist and hips, not bad for 5 days! More importantly, I’ve experienced a plan which made me relax and feel safe knowing the foods were all helpful and not going to cause me symptoms. I have so much more energy, and feel I’m getting my mojo back."

Sally – Stockport, UK

Contact Me

Ask me a question or book an appointment below.

2 + 3 =

07791 520 395

Desired Physique Studio, Cheadle Hulme, UK


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